Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Colored Glue and Shaker Art

It seems that Ty and I have been up to the same old art projects lately (and spending more time outside during what used to be our art time anyhow), but unhealthy air kept us indoors the other day so I whipped-up a new project for him to enjoy.

For this art activitiy I first colored his glue to make it more fun. We did this in daycare all of of the time and I forgot about it until I was setting-up. You simply add 5-6 drops of color to the bottle, shake it up and you have yourself some much more exciting glue!

I then opened up the holes a bit more on an empty seasoning shaker by twisting kitchen shears into the holes until the colored rice I planned for him to shake onto his picture came out well enough. I also used a shaker with sand in it. After he simiply poured the sand all over his picture, I learned that I needed to tape many of the holes closed! There's a few easy ways to color sand as well, but this was a project prepared on the fly so we went with natural sand.

I then cut some cardboard to back the paper with and taped them together. When doing big glue projects with young children (like this one, or collages) it's often wise to do this to add strength.

Now it was time to have fun! Ty's task was to put glue all over the paper, then to shake the sand and colored rice onto it. Seems simple, but I promise it's typically a lot of fun for this age!

I wasn't sure if Ty would be ready to squeeze glue from a bottle yet, and he wasn't able to do effectively without help squeezing. I had an old plate and paintbrush ready in case. I simply put a pile of glue on the plate and let him paint the glue on. Much easier for him to do on his own! I'm thinking of trying some small, round squeeze bottles for glue in the future though.

He was quite intrigued by "painting" with such a sticky, thick substance!

He then became quite interested in the shakers. It took a bit to show him how to shake over the paper, and that he had to shake with the holes facing down, but once he got it he was a happy little shaking machine!


  1. He is such a cutie! Great Project idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. As my boys continue to teach me, this week Corwyn decided to play with the bulb nasal apserator. I found it was a good squeezing activity for him. He was happy just squeezing it, but I think for more entertainment, we may bring it into the bathtub to see what happens when squeezed underwater. It could also be filled with liquid for more squeezing practice.

    We never actually needed the asperator, so its finally put to a good use.

    I like your activity and we may be trying it out the next raining day.
